Family, Lifestyle

Protecting Your Home: Fire Safety Tips with First Alert

Thank you First Alert for sponsoring this post. October is Fire Prevention Month! Help ensure your home and family are protected by installing smoke & carbon monoxide alarms!

We’ve amassed quite the collection of fire truck toys in our home. You’ll find them scattered throughout our living room, in varying shades of bright red with flashing, plastic lights. They’re Emmett’s favourites – and the sound of their miniature sirens has become a commonplace part of my day.

Fire Prevention Month fire Safety tips

But the sound of a real firetruck – the bone-chilling wail as it races off to an unseen emergency – that is a sound that catches my breath whenever I hear it. 

Needless to say, this October during Fire Prevention Month, Aaron and I are taking tangible steps to better protect our home and family from the threat of fire. 

My brother- and father-in-law are both firefighters, so fire safety is always a topic that’s top-of-mind in our family. That’s why I’m so proud to be partnering with First Alert to pass on some important knowledge to you! 

First Alert fire alarm fire escape plan

Fire Prevention Month fire safety tips on how to create a fire escape plan

This October, here are four simple steps you can take to ensure your home and family has a plan and is ready for the unexpected: 

1. Create and practice an emergency escape plan

Get your entire family on the same page about what to do if a fire happens. We used this template from First Alert to help us create an emergency escape plan. We:
Family fire safety escape plan

  • Drew a map of each level of our home, showing all doors and windows.
  • Toured our home as a family and identified two ways out of each room.
  • Tested our smoke alarm so we all understood how it sounds and how to respond.
  • Defined a meeting spot outside our home a safe distance away (like a mailbox or neighbour’s house) where everyone can meet after exiting. 
  • Discussed the importance of calling 9-1-1 once safely outside and never going back into the home until it’s cleared by fire officials.
  • Ensured all exits remain clear of tripping hazards and are not blocked.
    Fire prevention month: Making a fire escape planFirst alert fire alarm

2. Take inventory of your fire safety products

Walk through your home and take inventory of your fire safety products. Ensure that:

  • Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are installed in every bedroom and on every level of your home, including the basement. 
  • Your alarms are working! Test your alarms regularly (at least once a month) and make note of when you replaced them last. Alarms need to be replaced every ten years so if you can’t remember, err on the side of caution. 
  • You have a fire extinguisher on every level of your home – especially in kitchens and garages.
    Installing first alert fire alarm

3. Be aware of fire hazards and take precautions

  • Cooking is the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries. The National Fire Protection Association has some great tips for kitchen safety linked here.
  • In the winter, heating equipment – like space heaters – are one of the leading causes of home fires. Ensure they are safely installed and properly maintained.  
  • Smoke outside.
  • Keep matches and lighters out of reach of children.
  • Be cautious when using candles. 
  • Have all electrical work done by a qualified electrician.
    First Alert fire escape plan

4. Replace older alarms and ensure they’re installed properly

Just like firefighters, your alarms are on duty 24/7 and need to be replaced every ten years, at a minimum.

We installed First Alert’s 10-Year Sealed Battery Combination Alarm with Voice and Location Technology in our upstairs hallway, right outside all our bedrooms. We like the fact that it provides dual smoke and carbon monoxide protection and lets you know the type and location of the danger – making it easier to follow the emergency escape plan.First alert smoke and carbon monoxide alarm

First Alert fire alarm installed in upstairs hallway

Plus, it has a 10-year sealed battery, meaning no battery replacements needed for a decade. 

I hope you found these tips for protecting your home and family from fire helpful!

Keep safe. 

Xo Holly Hunka

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Protecting your home - fire safety tips with first alert

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